About Me

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Hi, I’m Deb Mugford, School Nutrition Specialist and Food Service Director for the Tewksbury Public School District.  I am currently  a Food and Nutrition Graduate student at Framingham State University and although this blog has been created as a class project it is my goal to provide you with the facts about the benefits of school breakfast.

I’m also a mother of five grown sons and I know from experience that breakfast is truly an important part of powering up their day!   The days were long for the boys between school studies, hockey, baseball, lacrosse, football and even working out at the gym daily.  Like many families we were always on the go…..but we always made it our goal to start the day the right way….with breakfast.

It’s true that eating a healthy breakfast develops a lifelong healthy lifestyle; they continue to start their work or college day with a healthy breakfast!

This is a personal weblog. The opinions expressed here represent my own and not those of my employer.